Your All-Access 3-Month Pass - just $99.99
Here’s what you get:
- Watch The Vaccine Consult Video – as many times as you want for 3 months
- Access the FAQs that build on the information in the video for 3 months
- Consider purchasing The Vaccine Book or A Tale of Two Sides. Read it and study it, and read more resources recommended by Dr. Bob in the video. Note: Free book offer is only for those who sign up for a one-year pass, not THIS 3-month pass.
- After you’ve learned from all these resources, ask Dr. Bob your questions through his dedicated email (see Terms and Conditions below) for 3 months
- Attend Dr. Bob’s live monthly webinar for 3 months where he will feature a unique vaccine topic then offer a live Q and A session where you can get more answers to your questions
- Monthly newsletter featuring a unique vaccine topic and Dr. Bob’s commentary on current events related to vaccines or infectious diseases for 3 months
We want you to use these three months to really study the vaccine decision. Watch the video. Watch it again. Read through all the FAQs specifically designed as a follow-up to the video. Read one of his vaccine books, such as The Vaccine Book, A Tale of Two Sides, or One Doctor vs The Medical Board to give you a broader understanding of the vaccine decision. Watch video series (sold separately) for an even deeper dive into your learning. Attend his live Webinars. At the end of your three-month All-Access Pass, you will be given the option to continue your access to all of these services by joining Dr. Bob’s Vaccine Education Community for just $9.99 per month or $89.99 for another whole year. And don’t worry, you won’t be automatically signed up for this on-going pass – you will be offered the option by email to register for it once your first 3-month All-Access Pass is done.
Terms and Conditions for emailing questions: The purpose of this email service is so you can clarify some points you don’t understand after you’ve “done your homework,” so to speak. Dr. Bob welcomes your well-researched questions. While he will answer every email, he reserves the right to not provide an answer any of the following types of questions: questions he deems as pertaining to a medical question or the answer to which would constitute medical advice; requests to put together a specific vaccine schedule, as this would constitute medical advice; questions which are already answered or will soon be answered in the FAQs; questions which are answered thoroughly in one of his other available resources, such as one of his books, videos, or video podcasts; any such question he deems to not be appropriate; emails with an unreasonable number of questions, at his discretion. You will be notified when an email question cannot be answered and, if applicable, what resource can be used to find an answer.