table of contents
and resources

Don't Forget the Companion Podcast

Enjoy additional commentary from Dr. Bob on each chapter. He shares behind-the-scenes insights into each topic, discusses what inspired the content and the characters in each section of the book, and expands on the real events from his own life that are depicted in these tales. You can also subscribe to the audio-book episodes on this podcast to listen to Dr. Bob read each chapter. 

Chapter 1 - Hepatitis B Vaccine in Newborns

Studies that Dr. Tommaso sent to Dr. Goodman on hepatitis B:

Unexplained fever in neonates may be associated with hepatitis B vaccine, Linder N, et al. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 1999; 81(3):206-207.

The changing epidemiology of hepatitis B in the United States: Need for alternative vaccination strategies, Alter MJ, et al. Journal of the American Medical Association 1990; 263:1218-22.

Prevention of hepatitis B virus infection in the United States: a pediatric perspective, West DJ and Margolis HS, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1992; 11:866-74.

Hepatitis B: evolving epidemiology and implications for control, Margolis HS, et al, Seminars in Liver Disease 1991; 11(2):84-92.

Achievements in public health: hepatitis B vaccination, United States, 1982-2002, MMWR 2002; 51(25):549-552, 563. Chart at end of paper.

Estimated and reported cases of hepatitis B infection in children, Sepkowitz S, Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 1993; 12(6):542-44. Research letter challenging all the above research.

Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making, Majority Staff Report, Committee on Government Reform, US House of Representatives, June 15, 2000.  

Chapter 2 - Hib Meningitis, How to Recognize Severe Vaccine Reactions, and Why Pediatricians Mandate Vaccines While Ignoring Risks

Darla Johnson’s all-nighter:

Safer pertussis vaccines for children: trading efficacy for safety, Munoz FM, Pediatrics 2018, June.

How to Recognized Vaccine Reactions Video 

Research studies Dr. Tommaso has shown Dr. Goldstein over the years:

Acellular pertussis vaccines protect against disease but fail to prevent infection and transmission in a non-human primate model, Warfel JM, et al, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 2014, Jan 14; 111(2):787-92.

Unexpectedly limited durability of immunity following acellular pertussis vaccination in preadolescents in a North American outbreak, Witt MA, et al, Clinical Infectious Diseases 2012, June; 54(12):1730-5.

Tdap vaccine effectiveness in adolescents during the 2012 Washington State pertussis epidemic, Acosta AM, et al, Pediatrics 2015, June; 135(6):981-9.

The 112-year odyssey of pertussis and pertussis vaccines – mistakes made and implications for the future, Cherry JD, Pediatric Infect Dis Soc 2019, Sep 25;8(4):334-341.

Chapter 3 - Aluminum in Vaccines

Dr. Smith’s resources:

Title 21- Food and Drugs Chapter I – FDA, Department of HHS, subchapter F – Biologics, Part 610 – General Biological Products Standards, section 610.15 – constituent materials: must enter 610.15 into the first box of the Search Database section.

Adverse events after immunization with aluminum-containing DTP vaccines: a systematic review of the evidence, Jefferson T, et al, Lancet Infectious Diseases 2004, Feb; 4(2):84-90.

The biological behaviour and bioavailability of aluminum in man, with special reference to studies employing aluminum-26 as a tracer, Priest ND, Journal of Environmental Monitoring 2004, 6(5):375-403.

Aluminum toxicokinetics regarding infant diet and vaccinations, Keith LS, et al, Vaccine 2002, May 31; 20 suppl 3:S13-7.

Addressing parents’ concerns: do vaccines contain harmful preservatives, adjuvants, additives, or residuals? Offit PA, Jew RK, Pediatrics 2003 Dec; 112(6):1394-7.

Macrophagic myofasciitis lesions assess long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide in muscle, Gherardi M, et al, Brain 2001; 124(9):1821-31.

Dr. Ward’s resources:

Priest’s 2004 study in Jour Env Monit as above.

Effect of routine vaccination on aluminum and essential element levels in preterm infants, Movsas TZ, et al, Journal of the American Medical Association: Pediatrics 2013, Sept; 167(9):870-2.

Jefferson’s 2004 study in Lancet, as above.

Aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines versus placebo or no intervention, Djurisic S, et al, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Sept; Issue 9.

Keith’s 2002 study in Vaccine, as above.

Aluminum neurotoxicity in preterm infants receiving intravenous feeding solutions, Bishop NJ, et al, New England Journal of Medicine 1997; 336(22):1557-61.

Title 21- Food and Drugs Chapter I – FDA, Department of HHS, subchapter C, Drugs, Part 201 – Labeling, Section 201.323 – Aluminum in large and small volume parenterals used in total parenteral nutrition. 

Aluminum toxicity in infants and children, Committee on Nutrition, American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatrics 1996; 97:413-16.

American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) statement on aluminum in parenteral nutrition solutions, Aluminum Task Force, Charmey P, Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2004; 19:416-17.

Biopersistence and brain translocation of aluminum adjuvants of vaccines, Gherardi RK, et al, Frontiers in Neurology 2015, Feb 5; 6:4.

Effects of aluminum on the neurotoxicity of primary cultured neurons and on the aggregations of beta-amyloid protein, Kawahara M, et al, Brain Research Bulletin 2001, May 15; 55(2):211-17.

Aluminum-adjuvanted vaccines transiently increase aluminum levels in murine brain tissue, Redhead K, et al, Pharmacology and Toxicology 1992, April; 70(4):278-80.

Aluminum hydroxide injections lead to motor deficits and motor neuron degeneration, Shaw CA, Petrik MS, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2009 Nov; 103(11):1555-62.

Long-term persistence of vaccine-derived aluminum hydroxide is associated with chronic cognitive dysfunction, Couette M, et al, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2009, Nov; 103(11):1571-8.

Aluminum impairs the glutamate-nitric oxide-cGMP pathway in cultured neurons and in rat brain in vivo: molecular mechanisms and implications for neuropathology, Canales JJ, et al, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2001; 87(1-2):63-69.

Effects of aluminum exposure on brain glutamate and GABA systems: an experimental study in rats, Nanak P and Chatterjee AK, Food and Chemical Toxicology 2001; 39(12):1285-89.

Neuropathology of aluminum toxicity in rats (glutamate and GABA impairment), El-Rhaman SS, Pharmacological Research 2003; 47(3):189-94.

Systematic review of potential health risks posed by pharmaceutical, occupational, and consumer exposures to aluminum, aluminum oxides, aluminum hydroxide, and its soluble salts, Willhite CC, et al, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 2014 Oct; 44 Suppl 4:1-80.

Aluminum in brain tissue in autism, Mold M, et al, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2018, Mar; 46:76-82.

Aluminum in brain tissue in familial Alzheimer’s disease, Mirza A, et al, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 2017, Mar; 40:30-36.

Chapter 4 - How Large Medical Groups Enforce Mandatory Vaccination

Chapter 5 - Overview of All Vaccine-Targeted Diseases and Herd Immunity

Chapter 6 - Vaccine Ingredients

Chapter 7 - How to Survive a Measles Outbreak

Chapter 8 - How to Fight Mandatory Vaccine Laws

Chapter 9 - Whooping Cough Disease and Vaccine

The whooping cough commercial that Sherrie watched: GSK’s big, bad whooping cough vaccination campaign bares its teeth | Fierce Pharma (actual video seems to have been taken down though).

Chapter 10 - Why the Media Censor Vaccine Risks

Chapter 11 - Mercury, Vaccines, and Autism

Chapter 12 - Vaccine Safety Research and Conflicts of Interest in the Media

Chapter 13 - Prejudice and Discrimination in the Media Toward Those Who Support Vaccine Safety

California Civil Liberties Public Education Act

Risk of recurrence of adverse events following immunization: A systematic review, Zafack JG, et al, Pediatrics 2017 Aug.

State health rankings website

Chapter 14 - How to Connect with "The Other Side"

Chapter 15 - Pneumococcal Disease and Vaccine

Clinical features and outcomes of stereotype 19A invasive pneumococcal disease in Calgary, Alberta, Ricketson LJ, The Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 2014 Mar-Apr; 25(2):e71-e75.

Chapter 16 - Why You Will Never See a Live and Uncensored Vaccine Debate

Chapter 17 - Reporting Negligent Doctors Who Ignore Severe Vaccine Reactions

Chapter 18 - HPV Disease and Vaccine

Research reviewed by Leslie and Tamara over wine and Oreos:

Videos of doctor who did safety research on HPV vaccine:

Teen girl in The Greater Good movie trailer (no relation to the character in this book) reacted to HPV vaccine: – video has been censored from YouTube

Lawsuits in other countries:

Suit Opens in Tokyo Court Over Cervical Cancer Vaccine Side Effects

700 Vaccinated Women in Columbia Sue Merck

Research Article about HPV reactions in Columbia 

VAERS reports on HPV vaccine reactions

Aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines versus placebo or no intervention (protocol), Djurisic S, et al, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 9

Prophylactic vaccination against human papillomaviruses to prevent cervical cancer and its precursors, Arbyn M, et al, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2018, Issue 5.

Although the story in this book is not intended to portray any real life events or people, this link describes a similar news story: Girl commits suicide after gardasil vaccine destroys her life.

Story on change in number of HPV shots

Chapter 19 - Industry Cover-Up of Harmful Products

Chapter 20 - FDA Conflict of Interest

A story that went through Toby Turner’s mind: FDA now officially belongs to big pharma.

Chapter 21 - No More Medical Exemptions from Vaccines

Chapter 22 - The Plot to Eliminate All Vaccine Medical Exemptions

Chapter 23 - SIDS and Vaccines

Although the story in this book is not intended to portray any real life events or people, this link describes a similar case that occurred in 2017: US Vaccine Court SIDS Case

Chapter 24 - Vaccines and Autism

Chapter 25 - Fraud in Vaccine Safety Research

Although the story in this book is not intended to portray any real life events or people, this link describes a similar case about alleged fraud in CDC research: William Thompson Healthcare Bills Testimony. 

Although the story in this book is not intended to portray any real life events or people, this link describes a similar case of a legislator appearing before congress: Representative Bill Posey Calling Investigation on CDC MMR Research Fraud

Rhode Island’s Resolution S2670

Hawaii’s Resolution 157

See resources from Ch. 8 regarding CDC SPIDER and Stock holdings of CDC leaders and doctors.

House Resolution 327 

Kennedy lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services over failure to submit vaccine safety updates to congress: Click here for story. 

HR 3615. Call for NIH to do research comparing the health of vaccinated to unvaccinated children

Chapter 26 - Tetanus Disease and Vaccine

Chapter 27 - Vaccines for Premature Babies

Research that Dorothy shared with the NICU director on vaccine reactions in premature babies:

Primary immunization of premature infants with gestational age less than 35 weeks: cardio respiratory complications and C-reactive protein responses associated with administration of single and multiple separate vaccines simultaneously, Pourcynous M, et al, Journal of Pediatrics 2007 Aug; 151(2):167-72.

Adverse events after routine immunization of extremely low-birth-weight infants, DeMeo SD, et al, Journal of the American Medical Association: Pediatrics 2015 June 1.

Adverse events following vaccination in premature infants, Sen S, et al, Acta Paediatrica 2001 Aug; 90(8):916-20.

Chapter 28 - Rotavirus Disease and Vaccine

Chapter 29 - Forcing Vaccines on Special Needs Children

Information on kids with special needs and school – scroll down to the section on IEPs for a discussion on IDEA law.

Chapter 30 - Mumps Disease and Vaccine

Chapter 31 - Flu Vaccine and Disease

Article Anna read about Canadian nurses 

Influenza vaccination of healthcare workers: critical analysis of the evidence for patient benefit underpinning policies of enforcement, De Serres G, et al, PLOS ONE 2017 Jan 27;

Cochrane article that Dr. Saul was reading about flu shots 

Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults, Demicheli V, et al, Cochrane Systematic Reviews – Intervention 2018 Feb 1.

Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children, Jefferson T, et al, Cochrane Systematic Reviews – Intervention 2018 Feb 1.

Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly, Demicheli V, et al, Cochrane Systematic Reviews – Intervention 2018 Feb 1.

Two Op-Eds that Dr. Saul referred to:

Cochrane review of flu vaccine not as definitive as health office suggests.

Scientist fires lates shot in mandatory flu vaccine debate. 

Summary of reported reactions to flu vaccine discussed by Evangeline and Tammy 

Chapter 32 - Mandatory Vaccine Policies and Vaccine Safety

Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-year old U.S. children, Mawson AR, et al, Journal of Translational Science 2017 Apr 24.

Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders: a cross-sectional study of 6- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children, Mawson AR, et al, Journal of Translational Science 2017 Apr 24.

Bill in Congress for NIH to study vaccines – see resources in Ch. 25.

Chapter 33 - Living in a State with Mandatory Vaccines

Chapter 34 - Forcing Vaccines in Custody Disputes

Although the story in this book is not intended to portray any real life events or people, this link describes a similar case of a parent jailed for not vaccinating: Mother Jailed for Refusing to Vaccinate Her Son

Chapter 35 - A Return to Separate but Equal

Chapter 36 - Can Private Schools Ignore Mandatory Vaccine Laws?

Chapter 37 - Meningococcal Disease and Vaccine

Chapter 38 - Universal Vaccine Mandates

Waning vaccine confidence news article

The unofficial vaccine educators: are CDC funded non-profits sufficiently independent? Doshi P, British Medical Journal 2017, 359:j5104.

Chapter 39 - Deciding Whether or Not to Vaccinate

Chapter 40 - Medical Freedom and Informed Consent For All

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