Get Your All-Access Pass
Welcome to my All-Access program. I have two goals for you: To insure that you have complete and un-censored access to everything you need to know to make an educated decision about vaccines, and to help you stay up-to-date on all vaccine-related news and information. It is my honor to serve you in this mission.
This one-of-a-kind program puts all my knowledge and experience with vaccines at your fingertips. During your 3-month or 1 year pass, you’ll watch The Vaccine Consult video program as many times as you need, attend live webinars with me, study the detailed FAQs, read and study The Vaccine Book and other resources I refer you to, and enjoy never-before access to emailing me your personal questions. My goal is to help you find the knowledge and confidence you need to make the best choice for your family.
Scroll down to see everything my All-Access Pass has to offer …

Vaccine Consult with Dr. Bob video
This brand new video offers an hour-long educational experience right from my own office in Dana Point, California. I’ve spent 25 years utilizing part of my work day counselling new parents through the vaccine decision, and I’ve compiled all the pertinent points of discussion that every new parent needs and answers to questions that every parent has into this one video. You will most likely find that this one hour is all you need to make your decision, and, if you want to take a deeper dive, I’ll share several resources you can use to further research this single most important medical decision you will ever make for your babies.

free Book of Your Choice
with a 1 year All-Access Pass
Enjoy a free signed and personalized-to-you book from my library. Choose any vaccine-related book: The Vaccine Book, A Tale of Two Sides, or my brand new One Doctor vs The Medical Board. Enjoy this as my free gift to you for joining my Vaccine Consult All-Access Pass for a year. If you already have my books, share it with someone you love.
Email me your vaccine questions
As you research the vaccine decision, you may have some unique questions that I haven’t covered in The Vaccine Consult video, The Vaccine Book, or in The Vaccine Conversation video series. You can email me your questions, and I’ll be happy to answer you by email (subject to Terms of Service). I may also add your question to my growing FAQ list and my monthly live webinar so others can benefit from your question. Note: emails are subject to the Terms of Service (which you will read when you purchase your subscription) such as I cannot give medical advice or provide answers to complicated questions that are easily found in one of my other resources (books, video podcasts, or FAQs). I will direct you to such resources when appropriate.

Monthly live webinar
Every month I host a live webinar devoted to answering your most pressing questions about making the vaccine decision. Each attendee can benefit from some back and forth discussion with me, as time allows. In some webinars I will share brief updates on the latest news on vaccines, infection outbreaks, and vaccine policies.
Study my growing list of exclusive faqs
Watching The Vaccine Consult Video and studying my other resources is sure to generate many thoughtful and specific questions in your mind. Don’t worry! I have your back. I have generated a long list of questions and thorough answers that are pertinent to families who chose to raise their children vaccine-free and for those who choose some vaccines. I cover every angle, from “It is safe to travel with an unvaccinated baby” to “Is polio really coming back?” Again, it is my goal that you get every question answered with your All-Access Pass so you can feel completely confident and educated about your decision.

Just want our regular monthly newsletter?
If you are already far along on your journey through the vaccine decision and don’t need all these resources, but would like to stay up-to-date with everything Dr. Bob is doing, including new books, guest appearances, speaking engagements, new vaccine videos, or news-worthy vaccine topics, sign up for our free monthly newsletter.
And More To Come
I will add additional features to your All-Access Pass as new ideas come across my desk and this community grows, like access to past webinars. Stay tuned!

I will email you an offer to continue your All-Access Pass on a monthly, or yearly, basis
Don’t worry! You won’t be automatically renewed into this ongoing monthly or yearly pass. You will need to opt in for it through the email I send to you. This Vaccine Consult Community All-Access Pass option will be there in case you need to spend more time connecting with me through your All-Access Pass, with all the benefits listed above, until you decide you don’t need help anymore. Even if you feel like your educational journey is complete, you are certainly welcome to continue your subscription and learn from new FAQs, monthly webinars, private newsletters with updates on timely vaccine issues in the news, continued access to emailing me your vaccine-related questions, and any new features I add as this community grows, such as access to watch all past webinars. Enjoy these on-going benefits for $9.99/month or $89.99 for a whole year.