Most cases of abdominal pain do not need to be seen by us urgently. The main reason to see us urgently on the same day is if you think your child has appendicitis. Here is how to tell:

  • Most cases of appendicitis occur in children over five years of age.
  • Pain is focused in the lower right front of the belly, or may start around the belly button then move down to the lower right.
  • Pain is severe, doesn’t subside much, and gradually worsens.
  • Pain gets worse with movement, especially with coughing or sneezing, or when you press in on the lower right side of the belly. Ask your child to jump up and down. If pain gets much worse with this, then that’s a concern. If your child is in too much pain to even stand and try to jump, that’s a concern.
  • Fever, loss of appetite, nausea and/or vomiting, along with the pain characteristics above.

Children who complain of sharp abdominal pain, even severe, but who then can run around and play a few minutes later, and don’t have many of the above signs, likely don’t have appendicitis.

Abdominal Pain for non-emergency reasons is a common problem in children, and usually takes a long appointment with us to figure out (not a same-day quick urgent appointment). In most cases, constipation is the culprit. Read here about how to solve CONSTIPATION.

If you don’t believe constipation is the culprit, and your child’s stools are looser than normal, then cow’s milk or gluten intolerance are the most likely reasons for this. Consider eliminating those foods. Some kids will need to eliminate both, or even go grain free completely, in order to heal the gut. Taking a daily probiotic may also help (I don’t have a brand recommendation).

For all other causes of Abdominal Pain, review our article here on AskDrSears.com.

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