IF YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD HAS COVID, such as exposure to a family member who tested positive, your child was seen somewhere and tested positive, you did a home test and it was positive, we can evaluate your child if necessary. Please continue reading the guidelines below, however, as most cases in children under 12 years of age do not require medical evaluation or prescription treatment.
If you feel your child should be tested, you can do a test at home and get an immediate result. We no longer do Covid testing at our office at this time. You can also elect to not seek testing and simply keep your child at home for 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
If your child has respiratory distress (rapid labored breathing, wheezing, chest retractions, blue color around the mouth, feels like not getting enough air) then you should go to an emergency room as we are not equipped to handle serious Covid emergencies like this.
If your child is acting very ill (high fever, severe flu-like symptoms), but does not have respiratory distress, we can evaluate your child by phone to discuss testing and treatment, and decide during the phone appointment whether or not you should be seen by us in person.
How long is Covid contagious? Generally for about 10 days from when the symptoms first started. Current policy, however, is that you can return to public after 5 days have passed since symptoms began as long as fever is gone and your symptoms are improving. Waiting a 10 day period is more of a guarantee that you are no longer contagious.
Here is what may be helpful to take when you are sick with Covid and/or are exposed to someone with COVID. Only take this high dosing for 10 days, then you can still take the supplements but at the regular dosing for age. Note: most people believe you should not take echinacea during Covid (something many would normally take during most illnesses), as it might have the potential to increase inflammation.
Zinc: 2-6 yr old: 5 mg twice daily; 7-12 yr old: 10 mg twice daily; Adults 20 mg twice daily
Vit D: 2-6 yr old: 2000 IU/day; 7-12 yr old 5000 IU/day; Adults 10,000 IU/day
Vit C: 2-6 yr old 250mg 3x/day; 7-12 yr old 500mg 3x/day; Adults 1000mg 3x/day. I like Sodium Ascorbate version of Vit C – a powder you mix into juice or water.
Quercetin: Follow the dosing on the bottle
NAC: Follow the dosing on the bottle (but it’s generally 1/2 of the vitamin C dose for the above ages 2x/day)
For more detailed information on Covid Treatment Protocols, consult the FLCCC Alliance webpage here.