STYE IN THE EYELID (eyelid lump)

STYE IN THE EYELID (eyelid lump)

This is a fairly common occurrence. Glands in the eyelids that drain natural lubricants into the eyes can get clogged and form a lump within the eyelid. The skin over this will typically be red and mildly tender, and may be as large as pea-size. It may or may not form a pimply white head on it that may end up draining after some weeks.

There isn’t any medical treatment for these. Warm washcloth soaking 10 minutes several times a day for a few weeks can help minimize the size and reduce the pain and infection within the stye. BUT, the lump will likely last for 6 to 12 months. After it’s no longer red or tender, soaking likely won’t really help. There is no prescription treatment that will help either. You just have to be patient – 99% of these will eventually dissolve. IF you need a second opinion you can see an ophthalmologist, but it’s very likely they won’t have anything to offer you other than reassurance.

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